Dyslexia Tutor (at STSG!)
Dyslexia Tutor available on Mondays at the Stone Table!
Stone Table Study Group is so excited to announce....
Rachel May Bailey is an Orton-Gillingham Style Reading Tutor and she has been a practicing educator since July 2020. She received her education from the Bakers University course that was taught through the company: Learning Abilities - located in Parkville, MO. It is an IMSE-certified course and she uses an IMSE-approved curriculum. The 'lessons' look more like play; using multi-sensory tools and objects to help the student learn a series of steps that result in their ability to read. Tutoring often looks like one-on-one sessions at least 2x per week. The curriculum is most effective if done through to completion, which is two years of lessons. But it can be tapered off if the student is getting on-going help in additional environments. It's most effective to meet in-person but there are additional options for lessons over zoom.
She tells us, "Typical pay is usually $45 per hour for a certified tutor with several years experience. But because this is my first time taking outside students, I am starting at $25 per hour for any classes I can offer. And I would be willing to brainstorm a variety of models that would best fit your group. My goal would be to help as many kids as possible while at the home school community on Mondays and then to see how else the kids need additional remediations. I can provide one-to-one screening with kids who KNOW they are struggling...we can start with screening and look for the gaps to see what remediation they may benefit from."
To contact Rachel May Bailey, email her at rachelmaybailey@gmail.com.